Private Trips

Exclusive experiences to unique destination throughout Brazil

© Janailton Falcão

How about traveling with purpose and giving a new meaning to your trip?

Our experiences are opportunities for positive impact in the receiving communities, personal transformation and reconnection with human values that are so important such as simplicity, togetherness and love. When we travel we learn new things that will remain in our memory long after we come back home, and maybe, even change the way we live our lives.

What types of experiences do we offer?

The ones that will connect you with nature and make you discover sensations that up until now, have been dormant due to the rush of everyday life. Experiences that will open new doors and teach you about new cultures and realities.

© Marcelo Castro

Did you read about our trips but have something slightly different in mind? Don’t hesitate to speak to us. It will be a great pleasure to co-create a unique experience for you!


+55 11 98328 3034
[email protected]

R. Sousa Ramos, 311
Vila Mariana – São Paulo – SP